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ALKU’s Mentoring Impact with CYE

January 18, 2022


ALKU is a proud partner of Community Youth Empowerment (CYE). CYE’s mission is to provide youth with knowledge, skills, and mentorship that applies to life beyond college to the workforce. Community leaders and resources collaborate with CYE to uplift youth and ensure their future success. CYE focuses on helping high school students, specifically those at Wareham High, through workshops. Workshops range from mental health awareness, healthy relationships, nutrition and fitness, financial literacy, and more.

ALKU’s Vice President of Healthcare IT and Wareham High graduate, Dave Tuell has held this organization at his core since becoming involved with CYE a year and a half ago. Since becoming involved Dave has fostered a partnership between ALKU and CYE, and now sits on the board. Dave saw the alignment of ALKU and CYE’s cultures and values and saw an opportunity to make a difference. ALKU hosts a professional development workshop and funds a $1,000 scholarship with CYE. This scholarship is awarded to any high school student who demonstrates the impact that the workshops have made on them.

In addition to the CYE/ALKU Scholarship, Dave personally funds a scholarship in his grandfather’s name. The Leonardo Migliore Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a Wareham High School senior with plans to attend a four-year bachelor program. Recipients exemplify what leadership and hard work are all about, something that Dave’s grandfather was no stranger to. Dave’s grandfather sailed to the United States to build a better life for his future family. During the day, he worked cutting meat and at night he cleaned a chocolate factory. He sacrificed and overworked himself for his family to have a better life filled with opportunity. This scholarship aims to continue that trend and help future generations.

We’re looking forward to seeing how this partnership continues to flourish and impact future generations!