The ALKrew hit the ground running (no seriously…they were running!) early Sunday morning as seven members of the ALKrew ran seven miles at the Falmouth Road Race! In total, the runners raised over $15,000 for Mass Mentoring Partnership (MMP). This was ALKU’s fourth year participating in the Falmouth Road Race.
This year’s ALKU race roster was made up of in-person and virtual runners, which allowed more of the ALKrew to participate. Becca Crossley, Leah Bourdon, Kaylee Sextro, Steph Heyner, Kayla Regan, Ashley Warren, and Nick Weinstein represented ALKU and MMP. For most of the participants, this wasn’t their first go around running a seven mile race! Leah and Kaylee were the top fundraisers on the team with a total of over $2,500 raised, and Nick Weinstein finished first for the ALKrew in 49 minutes. Awesome job to all involved!
Leading up to race day, all ALKU runners felt support from one another and ALKU. The runners had bi-weekly check-in meetings and received weekly fundraising templates. As well as fundraising support on social media and in the internal company slack channel. As a fun training incentive, the runners received Uber Eats gift cards for their favorite post-race meal.
Personal achievements and company connection aside, all the runners turned out to run seven miles with a shared motivation in mind; to support MMP. MMP supports mentoring relationships through their work with over 370 mentoring and youth serving organizations across Massachusetts. These programs serve over 50,000 young people each year from Boston to Pittsfield, MA. Most of these young people come from low-income families with a single parent household and will be the first in their family to go to college. Young people now more than ever need the support of MMP, and the ALKrew was thrilled to be able to support through the Falmouth Road Race. The ALKrew is already back training and looking ahead to the upcoming Rodman Ride for Kids in September! This fall we hope to meet our fundraising goal of $175,000 for MMP! Want to help ALKU reach its goal and get involved? Check out ALKU’s fundraising page here: and learn more about MMP here: