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Mental Health Awareness and Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month Recap

June 01, 2022


May is Mental Health Awareness Month and Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month (AAPI)! The ALKrew celebrated both by sharing knowledge, resources, and so much more!

Throughout Mental Health Awareness Month, the ALKrew spread awareness and emphasized the importance of mental health in partnership with the Employee Resource Groups (ERG) State of Mind! The ALKrew was encouraged to prioritize mental health by taking time to rest, checking in on one another, clearing their mind, meditating and more. Additionally, State of Mind provided mental health materials as well moving testimonials from members of the ERG. To wrap up Mental Health Awareness Month, State of Mind held an open meeting where special guest, Bea Walker discussed intentional self-care followed by a guided breathing exercise.

Throughout AAPI month, the ALKrew celebrated and honored the contributions of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community! Unity, one of ALKU’s Employee Resource Groups (ERG) provided both knowledge and resources. ALKU started the month off by providing AAPI-owned restaurants throughout all four of our full-time offices for all to check out and support. Additionally, the ALKrew participated by submitting their own favorite AAPI-owned restaurants that were then featured every week internally! There were several members of the ALKrew that were highlighted externally on ALKU’s social media. These individuals shared family recipes along with a memory of the featured dish.

ALKU can’t wait to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month and Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month next year in 2023!