Medical Device EVS Recruiting Manager, Sidora Van Etten’s ALKU career path is one that many dream of. As a Junior at the University of New Hampshire, she started her ALKU Internship never picturing that it would lead her career where it is today.
The Intern Years
A referral from a friend led Sidora to ALKU’s Internship Program. The upbeat and fun environment of the Durham Training Center set ALKU’s Internship Program apart from others she had experienced. Sidora’s time there taught her invaluable skills that would be applicable in any career. Learning to communicate with diverse personalities in a professional setting became a lifelong skill of hers.
During her last two semesters as an Intern, Sidora became a Shift Lead. In this role, she assisted the newer interns with questions and gave advice and feedback. In her current role, this is what her day-to-day responsibilities consist of. This glimpse into Leadership responsibilities helped her determine what she was striving for in her ALKU career.
Hitting the Ground Running
As a drafted Intern, Sidora proactively started building her base in ALKU’s Medical Device Technical Engineering startup group. Her hard work paid off in the form of deals that she started closing during her first semester after receiving a full-time offer. She didn’t let the pandemic stop her from capitalizing on that success when she started full-time in May of 2020. She quickly became an instrumental part of her team and contributed to the success of Medical Device TE (now Medical Device Engineering, Validation & Software).
Natural Born Leader
Sidora is a natural born leader whose impact within Medical Device is beyond comparison. As a Recruiting Manager for ALKU’s Medical Device EVS group, her sphere of influence stretches to many around her. During weekly one on one’s with each Recruiter on her team, Sidora helps them continue to growth their strengths and set goals to improve any weaknesses. This is just one of her core responsibilities, you can also find her dialing the phones alongside her team, helping in tricky situations, and game planning any hurdles to optimize closing deals.
Sidora has grown from an Intern into the fearless leader that she is today. Paving her successful career path from day one as an Intern, she continues to be a role model for those looking to be successful at ALKU. Interested in interning with ALKU? Take the first step towards success by applying for a spot in ALKU’s internship program.